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Coronavirus Tips: 7 Preventive Measures to Keep your Family and Staff Safe!

COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire! People are becoming more and more cautious regarding their health. Companies are also taking the required safety measures to protect their staff, customers, and clients. As we know that this disease can spread through water droplets of an infected person when he coughs or sneezes, and touching objects or greeting people spreads the contamination. Therefore, it is substantial to maintain social distancing and keep the surrounding areas clean. Staying indoors is the need of an hour, but we need to ensure that our indoor air quality is clean and germ-free.

As a heating and air company, Vital AC Solutions has the honor to be a crucial business during the pandemic. And with this comes the great responsibility of ensuring the safety of clients as well as staff members. We offer services in Broward County and Palm Beach County in South Florida, and we believe that the proper flow of air in your home right now is critical to maintaining your safety and health. Call us and let us serve you with our remarkable air conditioning service.

Your family’s safety and comfort are Vital to us!

You can expect our technicians to abide the following upon arrival to your location:

I. Offer an Alternative Way of Greeting

Handshakes are a complete ‘no-no’ to curb the disease from spreading. And greeting is a gesture to portray respect and friendliness. We have alternative greetings for you - foot bump, elbow bump, wave, wink, courtesy, salute, etc.

II. Plastic Gloves and Booties

As an additional layer for protection, our technicians will wear plastic gloves that can be disposed of and a pair of booties to cover their legs. When they touch something in your house while fixing equipment from the thermostat to the air conditioning unit, it doesn’t leave behind the germs. Each time our technician visits a new home, they wear a new pair of gloves.

III. Wipe Down and Disinfect

We wipe down and sanitize all the areas our technicians have been in contact with. Also, our technicians would use hand sanitizers to sanitize hands before and after their arrival in your home to kill any active germs, despite wearing gloves.

IV. Social Distance

Our air conditioning service providers or technicians shall maintain a social distance of 6-8 feet at best, during their arrival. We believe in following all the government guidelines and would request our clients to cooperate with the same for developing a healthy society again.

V. Masks

The recent study says the disease can be asymptomatic, which makes it even more challenging to track the disease carrier. We have made masks compulsory for all the technicians and staff when they are at your place. Whether they are working or interacting with you, the mask will always be there.

VI. Temperature in check

A temperature above 100.4 F (38 C) is an alarming sign. Every technician will have a temperature check done before they head for the day.

VII. E-billing

Earlier we would present you the quote, and you would sign it either on paper or tablet. Both of these mediums can spread germs, and for this reason, we have moved to the electronic medium of sending bills, and you can use e-signature to submit your approval.

You would appreciate our services as we would provide excellent indoor air quality and air conditioning solutions.

Vital AC Solutions is fully operational and ready to deploy our fleet of trucks to help you solve any of your Air Conditioning needs during this complicated time.

Vital AC Solutions is always clean, cautious, and respectful of our client’s homes and businesses. Right now, we will be taking even more precautions in caring for your safety. Contact us, and we can assist you with emergency air conditioning services, installation, inspection, repair, and maintenance. We provide services in Coconut Creek, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Broward County, and Palm Beach County in Florida and surrounding areas.


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